How do I configure an email forwarder?

An email forwarder is not an actual email account. Rather an email forwarder is an email "alias" that automatically directs inbound messages to an alternate email address (or multiple addresses).  You cannot send email from an email forwarder as it does not have a username or password to authenticate with the server. In the example below a forwarder is configured to send messages to a Gmail account.

Inbound messages (sent to >>> are forwarded to >>>

Step 1 - Login to your DirectAdmin Account

Login to your account and click the "Forwarders" link under the E-mail Management heading:

Configure Email Forwarder - Step 1

Step 2 - Create New E-Mail Forwarder

Click the "Create new E-Mail Forwarder" link to begin adding forwarders:

Configure Email Forwarder - Step 2

Step 3 - Enter Your Forwarder Details and E-mail Address(es)

On the next page enter the forwarder name you would like to use. The domain name will automatically be included. Enter the email address you would like the forward to direct messages to. Multiple email addresses can be added using a comma (e.g.,,, Once your details have been entered press the "Create" button:

Configure Email Forwarder - Step 3

Step 4 - Review Your Forwarders

After creating the new forwarder you will be redirected to the previous page where all of your existing forwarders will be displayed. From this page you can modify existing forwarders by clicking on the "Modify" link. For instance, you may want to modify an existing forwarder to add additional email addresses as recipents:

Configure Email Forwarder - Step 3

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